Monday 24 February 2014

Learning styles

People learn through a variety of ways. There are lots of types of learning styles, some of the VARK learning styles include:

      Visual Learners – learning from watching and looking at things. Also by visual aids such as charts diagrams etc.

      Auditory Learners – learning from listening or repeating things vocally in order to remember and learn things. Also use aids such as radio, recorded sessions, internet etc.

      Kinaesthetic Learners - learning by physically doing. For instance writing things out, designing things, posters, group work etc.

      Extrovert Learners – prefer working in groups and by actively doing tasks. Feel they learn better in peer group collaborating with others.

      Introvert Learners – prefer working individually and alone. Feel they work better by themselves rather than working with others.

      Intuitive Learners - enjoy abstract thought, daydreaming and imagining the future.

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