Monday 24 February 2014

Multiple intelligences

The theory of multiple intelligences was composed by Dr Howard Gardner in his book "frames of mind" 1983. Gardner believe that intelligence was not fixed and appears in several forms in fact, Gardner believed there were 7 different forms of intelligence.

  •   Linguistic intelligence: learners express themselves through words both written and orally.  They learn best through listening, reading or discussion. 
  •   Logical-mathematical intelligence: Based on reasoning and possess the ability to detect patterns and relationships. People with this intelligence like data which allows them to collect, organise, analyse, interpret, conclude and predict.
  •    Spatial intelligence: learners have the ability to visualize easily, create mental images and learn best through visual presentations such as pictures, videos, demonstrations and models. Through drawing, painting or sculpting their ideas are portrayed and often represent moods and emotions through art.
  •    Musical intelligence: Learners are sensitive to sound and associated with a well-developed sense of rhythm. They often sing, whistle or hum while participating in an activity. 
  •   Body- kinesthetic intelligence:  Process information through the sensations of the body, they enjoy moving around, act things out and touch people they are conversing with. Enjoy sporting activities of all kinds and can express emotion through dance.
  •   Interpersonal intelligence: learners who enjoy working in groups, learn while interacting and co-operating with others and also can build and maintain relationships. 
  •   Intrapersonal intelligence:  Understanding of self, their abilities, beliefs and emotions.  These people are often highly self- motivated and also prefer learning alone.

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