Friday 21 February 2014

Technology available in the modern day schools

Technology is very advanced in the modern day school and most schools are very equipped nowadays.

Most classrooms in both primary and comprehensive schools have a computers some schools also have computer suites available to their students.

There are also active white boards present in most classrooms these days. These allow the teachers and children to actively work together and also aid the teacher whilst using a variety of different teaching methods. For example, teachers are able to go from creating spider diagrams with the children to watching videos online within seconds.


When I was in school, during some lessons we were given white boards and pens where we can work either individually or together to share our ideas and participate in some class tasks. Nowadays, children are given top of the range technical equipment to use such as tablets and some of the most fortunate of schools provide their students with Ipads.

There are also overhead projectors within classrooms which allow teachers to use equipment such as white boards and to play videos etc.


1 comment:

  1. OHPs are old tech now and have been superseded by much more efficient hardware
