Friday 21 February 2014

TED talks Sir Ken Robinson

After looking through a few TED talks on YouTube, the individual who inspires me the most is Sir Ken robin son. I am a massive fan of his work and in other areas of my studies have taken an in depth look into what exactly Sir Ken believes and why he believes this. I have learnt that he is a very passionate man and stands strongly behind his beliefs. He believes this modern day society is abolishing all creativity from the curriculum, an essential ingredient he goes onto argue that is needed not just during our educational life, but for adult life and the working world.  All points he puts across are valid reasons and i also believe that he is very correct in what he is saying. Having an imagination and the ability to visualise things and think outside the box is a very desired quality and therefore should be encouraged to flourish during our time in education not be shunned and kept locked up. The ability to be creative is what makes us all different and original. Without it we would all be the same and what a boring world that would be.

 Sir Ken Robinson truly inspires me in regards to keeping creativity within the curriculum.

1 comment:

  1. Why didn't you check out the TED website rather that the small selection that appear on youtube?
